SAGE YARN - click for full info
FREE Reception and Slide Show
Friday Evening, December 5th, 5-7pm at Sage Yarn
On Saturday, December 6th Norah will be teaching two workshops. Since we’re expecting more people than our little classroom can handle, we will be holding these classes in a private dining room, on the 3rd level of Quicks Hole Tavern, adjacent to the Woods Hole Inn, in Woods Hole, Falmouth. A fabulous lunch will be provided in between classes for $25, which includes drink, tax and tip.
By knitting cables made from ribs, mini cables and lace in unusual and useful cable structures you’ll become familiar with a new vocabulary of cables, preparing you for experimenting with new cable fabrics on your own.
TIME: 9am-12pm, at Quicks Hole Tavern
Begin knitting the gorgeous Lempster cabled sweater, available as a free pattern from In 3 hours most knitters will get through the tricky bits of this top down pullover with unique hybrid “set in” sleeves. Norah will discuss why she made some of her design decisions, discuss personalizing the fit and give ideas for variations.
TIME: 1-4pm, at Quicks Hole Tavern
Sign up for both workshops and save $10!